Buying a bus

Goal is to buy a new
bus for Harinama Sankirtana
with an estimated value of around 55000 euros
by may 2023

We have collected: 17116 euro
It remains to collect: 38 180 euro

We invite 64 devotees that are willing to contribute 108 euros monthly for the next 8 month individually or through cooperation with friends and family.

Cooperation could be for example: a devotee is making a decision to donate for the next 8 months 108euros.

He is connecting to his friends or family and splits the amount of 108 euros into 4 equal shares of 27 euros per person.

64 * 108 * 8 = 55296 euro

We are also grateful for one-time donations and help in promotion on social networks.

Together with a little effort we can do a great job!

Account Details:

If you have any questions or suggestions please contact me.

Pranata-karuna das

Bus donation coordinator



Holy Name Monastery © 2024
